
How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization

How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分类: 图书,进口原版,Business & Investing(商业与投资),Job Hunting & Careers(求职与职业),Guides,
  品牌: Jeffrey J. Fox

基本信息出版社:Hyperion Books (1998年9月30日)外文书名:如何做总裁精装:162页正文语种:英语ISBN:0786864370条形码:9780786864379商品尺寸:19.7 x 13.3 x 2 cm商品重量:272 g品牌:HyperionASIN:0786864370商品描述内容简介在线阅读本书

Most books about career advancement are either weighty examinations about success in the workplace (e.g., How to Be a Star at Work and Working with Emotional Intelligence) or flippant, humorous takes on surviving the countless inanities of modern work life (e.g., Working Wounded). Jeffrey Fox's book, How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization is neither. Instead, Fox presents 75 commonsense rules about successfully conducting your career.Rules like "Know Everybody by Their First Name" and "No Goals No Glory" may seem obvious; others, such as "Don't Take Work Home from the Office" or "Don't Have a Drink with the Gang" may not. Each is accompanied by page or two of succinct and thought-provoking explanation. For example, for rule 27, "Don't Hide an Elephant," Fox writes, "Big problems always surface. If they have been hidden, even unintentionally, the negative fallout is always worse. The 'hiders' always get burned, regardless of complicity. The 'discoverers' always are safe, regardless of complicity." Wise and to the point, How to Become CEO will help just about anybody's career, whether you want to become CEO or not. --Harry C. Edwards编辑推荐Amazon.com

Most books about career advancement are either weighty examinations about success in the workplace (e.g.,How to Be a Star at WorkandWorking with Emotional Intelligence)or flippant, humorous takes on surviving the countless inanities of modern work life (e.g.,Working Wounded). Jeffrey Fox's book,How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organizationis neither. Instead, Fox presents 75 commonsense rules about successfully conducting your career.Rules like "Know Everybody by Their First Name" and "No Goals No Glory" may seem obvious; others, such as "Don't Take Work Home from the Office" or "Don't Have a Drink with the Gang" may not. Each is accompanied by page or two of succinct and thought-provoking explanation. For example, for rule 27, "Don't Hide an Elephant," Fox writes, "Big problems always surface. If they have been hidden, even unintentionally, the negative fallout is always worse. The 'hiders' always get burned, regardless of complicity. The 'discoverers' always are safe, regardless of complicity." Wise and to the point,How to Become CEOwill help just about anybody's career, whether you want to become CEO or not.--Harry C. Edwards


Fox heads his own marketing consulting company, and he demonstrates here that he knows how to package an idea. While there is nothing especially original about a list of rules for getting ahead, Fox's guide is filled with 75 tips that are short, sweet, and to the point. Moreover, the ideas themselves are fresh. You have to admire the pluck of someone who counsels spending one day a month in the library and recommends sending handwritten notes. For each suggestion, Fox includes one or two pages of elaboration. Other advice: Always take vacations. Always take the job that offers the most money. Never write a nasty memo. Don't take work home from the office. Never let a good boss make a mistake. And, nary a mention of Machiavelli or Sun-Tzu. Refreshing!David Rouse

W. Mason Beekley, Chairman and CEO, Beekley Corporation

"This is a must read for those aspiring to become CEOs and for CEOs who want to be better CEOs."--This text refers to theAudio Cassetteedition.

David Freeman, CEO, Loctite Corporation

"A handbook on good management practices, an encyclopedia for future leaders and a reminder for all managers."--This text refers to theAudio Cassetteedition.

Terrance Noonan, President and COO (Ret.), Furon Corporation

"Jeffrey truly captures all the essential ingredients necessary to run a company. I wish this had been available when I was beginning my career."--This text refers to theAudio Cassetteedition.

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