
MDaemon Server 8.0 正式版发布

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
宽屏版  字体: |||超大  

来源:本站原创转载请注明来自(邮件技术资讯网(http://www.5dmail.net) 作者:钉子 票数:0等级:


一。美国时间2004年4月12日,Alt-N发布MDaemon Server 8.0 正式版,以下为官方发布说明:


MDaemon 8.00 - April 12, 2005




o All or parts of this file may not be localized.

o Your AntiVirus update schedule file (\App\AVSchedule.dat) was renamed to

\App\AVSchedule.dat.old so that a new set of default update times could

be put in place. The new defaults randomize the times that updates take

place but schedule only a single update per day. You can return to your

old update settings by renaming \App\AVSchedule.dat.old to

\App\AVSchedule.dat if you wish (restart MDaemon after renaming the


o This version creates Calendar, Contacts, and Task folders for each user

and a Contacts folder for each domain during the installation. If these

folders already exist they will be renamed to Old Calendar, Old Contacts,

and Old Tasks. See the IMPROVED COLLABORATION SUPPORT section below for

more details.

o MDaemon requires activation of your registration key. The goal of the

activation system is to combat piracy and protect the interests of

legitimate customers.

Immediately after MDaemon loads it will launch the Activation Wizard

which will walk you through the simple process of activating your

registration key. You can activate in a fully automated fashion or

manually if you prefer. The process takes only a few seconds.

Activation verifies that the key you are using is legitimate. It also

ties your registration information to your computer using the MAC address

of your Network Interface Card making it impossible for others to

illegally use your registration key. No personal information about you

is required or transmitted. Reactivation is required only if you change

out your Network card. The 'Help | Activate your registration key...'

menu selection will launch the Activation Wizard should you need to do

this in the future.

Multiple activations are allowed however this is for customer convenience

only and should not be considered license to violate the EULA.

Registered users have 30 days in which to activate. Activation is

required in order for MDaemon to function.

For a more detailed description of activation see:


o This version of MDaemon requires WebAdmin 3.10. You can obtain WebAdmin

3.10 from http://files.altn.com/WebAdmin/Release/

o Please note the evolution of the old MDaemon GroupWare product into the

new Outlook Connector for MDaemon. This name change is reflected in

numerous places within the MDaemon GUI and documentation. To read more

on this check out this partner newsletter:


o The default automatic spam filtering IMAP rule created for each account

via the Spam Filter's 'Automatically filter spam messages into user's

IMAP spam folder' was changed. The rule used to merely check for the

existence of the X-Spam-Flag header within each message. This was found

to be not sufficient because some external SpamAssassin enabled software

places 'X-Spam-Flag: No' into messages. So, the rule was changed to

check for 'X-Spam-Flag: Yes' rather than just the existence of the header

itself. To change the rule for all your accounts uncheck the 'Auto-

matically filter spam messages into user's IMAP spam folder' option and

follow the instructions. This will remove the old rule from each of

your accounts. Then recheck the same option to build the new rule for

each account.

o Some of the WCML tags have been changed. Your custom WorldClient

templates will need to be updated.

o If you are using the composite log check your settings. They will need

adjustment because a new log for Outlook Connector activity has been


o Using the Content Filter's "Copy the message to specified user(s)" action

with a mailing list as the target of the action can lead to the following

problem: if the list is keeping a digest then the digest will NOT get a

copy of the message. This limitation will be addressed in a future


o Older versions of ComAgent will no longer be able to sync contacts with

MDaemon 8. To regain this capability your users must update to ComAgent


o The WhoWhere and InfoSpace public LDAP servers no longer appear to be

operating. Therefore the installer will rename your AddrLookup.ini file

to AddrLookup.old before installing a new version which removes these

entries. If you have added custom LDAP servers for your WorldClient users

(including LDaemon for example) you can reconfigure them by editing the

new AddrLookup.ini file (remember to start numbering at 1 ex: [LDAP1]).




Collaboration support within MDaemon/WorldClient has been completely re-

written and vastly improved. From within WorldClient you can now more

easily and attractively create appointments, schedule meetings, and work

with address books. For the first time, recurring appointments are

fully supported. Also, appointments are more elaborate with many more

fields available to describe them than were possible before. Internally,

contacts, calendars, and task data are stored as IMAP folders within each

user's root mail directory. Users can use WorldClient or Microsoft

Outlook* to access these folders and control what other users have access

to these folders. All WorldClient themes (and especially Lookout) have

been modified with new templates which present contact, calendar, and

task folders in a more logical and attractive way.

MDaemon supports and automatically creates domain-wide contact, calendar,

and task folders which all domain users will have access to via

WorldClient or Microsoft Outlook*. By default, users of a domain will

have full access to add, edit, and delete items in these folders. You

can easily change this through the MDaemon GUI if you desire to restrict

access to these folders.

The new collaboration system within MDaemon is completely IMAP/ACL based

with data stored in XML and RFC/TNEF format. This allows seamless

integration with the Outlook Connector for MDaemon plug-in used by

Microsoft Outlook. Granting other users access to your folders can be

achieved via WorldClient or Outlook*.

MDaemon no longer maintains a single address book for all domains.

MDaemon keeps address books on a per-domain basis now. Any other address

books will have to be created and maintained by you (if you want them).

*Requires Outlook Connector for MDaemon (see http://www.altn.com).


If you are upgrading to MDaemon 8 from a previous version, the

installation process will automatically convert each users private

address book (their addrbook.xml file) to the new Contacts folder in

their root mail directory. Also, each users calendar information will

be migrated from their old Calendar.mrk file to the new XML format

within the new Calendar folder in their root mail directory. Finally,

each domain's public address book will be converted and placed into

the domain's Contacts public folder. None of the original files are

deleted by this process. You can run \App\MD3Conv.exe to forcibly

migrate the calendar and contact data for any user (or all users) as

needed. Just run it once with no command line arguments for instructions.

If the migration process finds a Calendar or Contact folder that already

exists for a user or domain it will rename that folder to Old Calendar

and Old Contacts. Access control is preserved when folders are renamed.


MDaemon is now DomainKeys enabled (http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys).

DomainKeys is a specification intended to provide email sender verifica-

tion. MDaemon can both sign outgoing and verify incoming emails using


MDaemon's GUI now has a DomainKeys tab, DomainKeys logging options, and

a configuration screen on the Security menu where you can setup your

DomainKeys properties.

MDaemon includes the ability to generate private and public keys suitable

for use with the DomainKeys specification. A button within the new

DomainKeys GUI will allow you to create keys. By default, keys are

generated with a bit depth of 1024 bits which should be very secure. A

default selector ('MDaemon') and a default public and private key are

created automatically on startup (if they do not already exist). All

keys are unique and are never the same from one site to another.

MDaemon supports multiple selectors and key pairs. Selectors and keys

are stored under the \MDaemon\Pem root folder in the following way:

\MDaemon\Pem\<Selector>\rsa.public - public key for this selector

\MDaemon\Pem\<Selector>\rsa.private - private key for this selector

All keys are stored in PEM format.

Only messages which are sent to non-local users using SMTP AUTH will

be signed. Mailing list messages are never signed.


MDaemon now includes SpamAssassin 3.0. This new version of SpamAssassin

includes many upgrades and improvements. For a complete list of changes

see http://www.spamassassin.org.

How the subject tag is specified on the Heuristics tab within the Spam

Filter GUI was changed. SpamAssassin no longer supports a key to turn

subject modifications on and off. Instead, the existence of a subject

tag determines whether one is used or not. As a result, please check

this tab and make sure the subject modification is to your liking. Also,

the _HITS_ tag in SpamAssassin 3 does not pad the score with leading

zeros. This caused us a sorting problem here so you might want to look

at your subject tag and change _HITS_ to _SCORE(0)_ which will left pad

with a leading zero.

SpamAssassin 3 doesn't come configured to use the JP list for SURBL so we

added a rule for it to 80_MDaemon_scores.cf. Also, the default SA 3

scores for SURBL hits were much lower than what we previously used with

MDaemon so I put the old SURBL scores in 80_MDaemon_scores.cf. Adjust to

your liking or delete the lines to use the SA 3 defaults.

New default Bayesian scoring has been added to 80_MDaemon_scores.cf. In

the future this file will always contain the default scores for Bayesian

rules. You may wish to consider deleting the various 'score BAYES_xx'

lines from your local.cf file in order to use the new defaults. The new

defaults are much lower than previous versions of MDaemon but then so are

the defaults within SpamAssassin 3 itself.


MDaemon can integrate custom built plug-ins. See \Docs\Api\Plugins.txt

for more details.


MDaemon is now able to generate hashcash stamps. Hashcash is a form of

electronic postage designed to help verify that the sender of an email

message invested sufficient effort in order to do so. Effort is

measured in terms of CPU use. Now that hashcash verification is support-

ed by SpamAssassin 3.0, the stamps generated by MDaemon's hashcash

system and inserted into outgoing messages will have a real impact

on lowering the false positive rates when your users send mail. A new

screen was added to the Spam Filter properties to configure hashcash


In order for stamps to be generated and inserted into messages they must

not be list messages and must be either FROM or TO an address listed in

HCMint.dat file. You can configure all this from within the Hashcash

properties in the GUI.

In order to honor hashcash stamps for incoming messages your domains

must be listed in the \SpamAssassin\Rules\80_MDaemon_Hashcash.cf file.

The installer has already enabled all users of your primary domain for

this. To see how it is done for other domains just open the file with

notepad and read the instructions there.

For more information on HashCash and to support the HashCash concept

visit http://www.hashcash.org/.


Added a basic queue management system directly into the main MDaemon GUI.

This mimics some of the MDStats functionality but in a more integrated

fashion. Double clicking a queue on the stats pane window will open the

MD GUI to this new queue management system rather than MDSTATS. You can

still right click and select to view queues using MDSTATS if you want.


MDaemon now has a new queue - the 'holding' queue. The purpose of this

queue is to receive any messages which cause software exceptions during

AntiVirus, AntiSpam, or Content Filter processing. If a software error

occurs during the processing of messages the messages will be moved into

the holding queue and not delivered. When messages are placed into the

holding queue they stay there until the administrator takes some action.

A button and menu option to process the holding queue were added to the

GUI. Processing or 'Re-Queue'ing the holding queue content will shuffle

all the messages into either the remote or local queues for processing.

If the error which caused the messages to be placed into the holding

queue still exists the messages will just be routed right back into the

holding queue. 'Release'ing the content of the holding queue will

deliver the problem messages regardless of any error which might occur.

A warning box is provided when 'Release'ing the queue since doing so

could potentially introduce messages into the mail stream which did not

properly filter through the Content Filter, AntiSpam and/or AntiVirus


A system for configuring notifications related to the holding queue was

added to the Queues menu selection in the GUI. Note that if these

notifications themselves cause software errors they may not be delivered

to remote recipients, but local recipients will work fine. Notifications

are sent to the configured parties at MDaemon startup, the first time a

message is placed into the holding queue, and once every XX minutes

thereafter until either the queue is emptied or the notification

mechanism is switched off.

Note: when the SpamAssassin.dll file fails to be initialized or is other-

wise hosed (which can happen from time to time) MD will no longer switch

off the Spam Filter. Also, the message normally sent to postmaster when

this occurs has been changed to only send if the holding queue mechanism

is inactive.


MDaemon can now scan incoming messages for viruses during the actual SMTP

session. A new switch was added to the Security|AntiVirus GUI to govern

this behavior. This switch is enabled by default. This feature requires

MDaemon AntiVirus. If a message is found to be infected the message is

immediately refused and can not be accepted. This feature can and will

slow down the processing rate of the SMTP server. Messages larger than

MAX_SIZE will not be scanned during the SMTP session. MAX_SIZE defaults

to 10MB and can be set by editing the following in the CFILTER.INI file

with Notepad:


InlineSMTPMax=10 (value in megabytes)

The SMTP-(in) log will show the result of AV processing. The possible

results you might see are:

1) the message was scanned and found infected with a virus

2) the message was scanned and no virus was found

3) the message could not be scanned (usually because a ZIP or other type

or attachment could not be opened/accessed)

4) the message could not be scanned (it exceeds the max size limit)

5) an error occurred during the scan


MDaemon now has an Outlook Connector tab in the main GUI. This tab

displays all the IMAP interaction between the MDaemon server and Outlook

Connector clients.

A separate log file is also created which will track all IMAP activity

between the server and the OC clients. Options have been added to the

logging settings to enable/disable this logging. The composite log file

settings also has the same.

Several small changes were made in the GUI to facilitate the evolution

of our Outlook Connector product. These changes include modifications

to the verbiage on the Setup configuration screens. Also, the on/off

switch was removed from the main list of servers on MDaemon's main screen.

Outlook Connector support can be turned on/off via the Setup menu.


It is now possible to specify multiple LDAP configurations for your

gateway domains. LDAP is used to verify that accounts actually exist

before accepting messages bound for gateway domains. To specify extra

sets of LDAP parameters you have to setup your first set using the GUI

as normal. Then manually edit the GATEWAYS.DAT file using notepad.

Create a new set of keys that look like this:

LDAPHost1=<host name>


LDAPBaseEntry1=<base entry DN>

LDAPRootDN1=<root DN>




Note that each key ends with '1'. You can add a third set of parms by

creating another set of keys which end with '2', then '3', and so on.

When the LDAP queries take place, MDaemon will perform multiple LDAP

checks in sequence, if necessary, for a match. If an error or a match

is found no further checks are performed.



o When messages are released from the Spam Trap the MTA thread will strip

the subject text of all data found between the first [ and ] characters.

So, if you change the default Spam Filter 'Subject tag' text, be sure you

enclose your changes in [ and ] chars if you want this tag automatically


o SPF processing is now enabled by default and has a new option to check

the FROM header (previously it could only check the SMTP envelope

sender). The SPF configuration screen in the GUI has a check box to

enable this (it is disabled by default). Note that if the address

checked during SMTP session is the same as that taken from the FROM

header the duplicate check will be skipped to save CPU and so on.

o SPF GUI has a new switch to cause MDaemon to send all forwarded mail

using the email address of the account forwarding the mail. This helps

reduce problems associated with forwarding. Normally, forwarded mails

are sent using the email address of the original sender and not the

email address of the account actually doing the forwarding.

o MDaemon will no longer generate route slips and send mail to itself via

SMTP when forwarding to local recipients. If you must have forwarded

mail being delivered to a local recipient filtered through the SMTP

engine then manually specify localhost or in the account's

'Forward mail to this host' field.

o Accountprune has the following default settings for "SkipAutoPrune":

Public IMAP folder - "SkipAutoPrune=Yes"

Non Public IMAP folder - "SkipAutoPrune=No"

o The default ACL access rights to the Bayesian Learning root folder for

new installations was changed from 'lrswi' to simply 'lr' to prevent

users from moving messages into the root folder by default.

o Set the following switch in the MDaemon.ini with Notepad if you would

like MDaemon to return messages that receive 'no records of the requested

type' during MX record lookups:



o Set the following switch in the MDaemon.ini with Notepad if you would

like MDaemon to return messages that receive 'no records of the requested

type' during A record lookups:



o Several small tweaks were made to the Spam Trap summary report including

a link to WebAdmin's spam trap manager page (requires WA 3.10 and you

must provide a link to WebAdmin in WorldClient's Domain.ini file here:


WebAdminURL=<link including port value if necessary>

o By default, MDaemon uses the account's mailbox value as the 'logon' parm

when using dynamic authentication with Windows to verify that an account

exists. Sometimes this parm does not match an actual Windows account

and so the verification fails. If you would like to use a different

logon for an account you can edit the account's HIWATER.MRK file which

you will find in his/her root mail directory and add the following key:


NTLogonName=<whatever you want>

From then on MDaemon will use this value when performing dynamic

authentication on the mailbox in question.

o It is no longer possible to directly specify the config file backup

directory so the option was removed from the Misc. Options GUI.

Backups are automatically placed in the \MDaemon\Backups\ directory.

If you want to specify a different location you can change the

following parm in MDaemon.ini using Notepad:



o The SMTP engine will only prune addresses from lists if the result of a

delivery attempt to the list member nets a 550-554 result code. If you

want to completely disable pruning during the SMTP stage for a list open

the list's .GRP file with notepad and add this line near the top of the


; SkipSMTPPrune = Y

o The term "Spam Blocker" has been removed from MDaemon and replaced with

the more appropriate term "DNS Blacklists" which is more accurate and

reduces confusion between RBL processing and the Spam Filter.

o By default, MDaemon will now reject messages to over quota recipients at

the RCPT stage rather than after the message is received. If you would

like to change this you can edit the following switch in the MDaemon.ini



TestQuotaAfterDATA=Yes (default NO)

o MDaemon no longer needs its own SURBL configuration file or GUI dialog.

These were needed when older versions of SpamAssassin were being used.

The 80_MDaemon_surbl.cf file has been deprecated as has the SURBL

configuration screen in the Spam Filter properties. SURBL is now an

integrated part of SpamAssassin and can be configured by editing the

25_uribl.cf file in the \SpamAssassin\Rules directory (not recommended).

o MDaemon now defaults to using 1/2 the outbound session threads when send-

ing messages from the retry queue. This frees up 1/2 of the threads for

processing regular mail. If you would like to have MDaemon use all the

outbound threads when processing the retry queue (as it has done in the

past) edit the following key in MDaemon.ini and set it to ZERO:



o By default MDaemon will no longer accept messages sent from addresses

on the suppression file. In the past, the default in many cases was

to accept the message, process it, and send to the bad queue. The

suppression file editor will now allow the "Refuse during SMTP" option

to be enabled under the "All Domains" root. This is the new default. If

you would like to selectively accept/refuse on a per-domain basis, then

you need to disable this option under the "All Domains" root and enable

it under the individual domain nodes.

o When messages are submitted to list digests MDaemon will scan the

message and attempt to include only the first text/plain part of the

message to the digest. Other message parts are not included in the

digest (including HTML parts). If the message does not have a

text/plain part or if the messages is not multipart/alternative or

multipart/mixed then the whole message will likely be included in the

digest (minus any MIME attachments).

o MDaemon now supports the forth-coming "Authentication-Results" header

(this spec is still in draft stage so some changes might be coming).

This new header is planned for use with AUTH, SPF and DomainKeys as the

preferred method for communicating authentication results to MUAs.

This header is written for locally delivered mail only. If you do not

wish MDaemon to use this header at all set the following switch in



WriteAUTHHeader=No (default Yes)

o Added switch to the SMTP AUTH GUI that exempts messages to local

accounts from the requirement that messages sent from local accounts

must be AUTH'ed. This switch is enabled by default which is a change

from previous versions.

o You can specify new settings in the AV scheduler. By selecting 'Random'

for the minute value MDaemon will do the update at a random time during

the hour.

o Lots of SPF related logging can be cut by setting the following switch

in the MDaemon.ini file (this switch causes SPF to only log matches):


SPFLogOnlyMatches=Yes (default No)

o The checkbox which creates Calendar, Contact, and other domain-level public

folders was moved from the Domain editing screen to the Public Folder

editing screen.

o It is no longer possible to use a period char as the IMAP folder delimiter.

Doing so causes internal havoc to the code. So, on startup MDaemon will

change the default delimiter to the default char '/' if it is currently a

period char '.'

o Added WorldClient INI file settings that allow admins to disallow users to

view calendars and tasks as well as not add new calendar, task or contacts

folders. Set the following INI values under the [User] section of the

User.ini file or in the domains ini file to disable the various







o The active AV update schedule will be dumped to the System log at startup

and whenever the schedule is changed using the GUI.

o WorldClient will automatically select the Pocket PC theme for any Windows

CE devices which connect.

o Added "Sign with DomainKeys selector..." action to content filter.

o Added DisableWebAdminAccess=Yes/No (Default: No) key to WorldClient's

domains.ini file.

o In WorldClient more feedback is presented to the user if they cannot

create or edit an item because of insufficient access rights.

o Contacts folders are now listed in various places with an abbreviated

format to allow for sub folders of a greater depth. In addition the

folder's owner is always displayed to help clarify the source of the


o All Windows CE devices should get the PocketPC theme for WorldClient now.

o Added scrollbars to Tarpit|Advanced.

o The IMAP server now supports the LOGIN authentication mechanism.

o Various SPF related options are now disabled by default. You should go

into Security|SPF and make sure the settings there are what you want.

o Significant improvements to calendar performance in WorldClient for users

who are not using the Lookout theme.

o API function MD_VerifyUserInfo now converts domain to all lower case.

o New lists default to disallow EXPN commands

o Added domain functions to MDUserCOM (doc not updated yet)

o MDUserCOM.dll version will now be the same as the current MDaemon

o The default score applied to messages which pass SPF processing was

changed from -2.5 to 0.

o A new switch was added to the logging options which governs whether the

'all' log file will be created.

o MDStats now includes the MDAV message quarantine directory in its list

of queues.

o By default, a new installation will store queues under a \Queues\ root

directory. If you would like to move your queues to this more organ-

ized structure see the new Restore tab in the Queues GUI.

o The Statistics log now contains MPOP and DPOP line entries for each

message collected via MPOP or DPOP.

o Cleaned up inbound SMTP logging to make it look more consistent.

o The installer now backs up the SpamAssassin 'rules' directory to the

\Backup\ folder and the layout of how files are stored there has changed

slightly. The format is now \Backup\%VERSION%\<sub dir>.

o The installer now includes MDMigrator which is a tool to move from MS

Exchange to MDaemon. MDMigrator.txt contains instructions. Previously

this file was downloaded separately from our web site.

o When spooling all mail to an ISP or upstream host any SMTP delivery

error (temp 4xx or permanent 5xx) will return the message to the sender.

o MDaemon no longer references or uses the MDAEMON_SPAM_BLOCKER SA rule.

The rule is now called MDAEMON_DNSBL.

o Added IP being checked to SPF log info.

o Added WC support for "x-uuencode" Content-Transfer-Encoding

o MDaemon now creates SSL certificates with an exportable private key

o Minor verbiage changes to Account Editor's Options tab.

o Removed HOSTS file reference from SMTP log and NDR.

o MDaemon now supports the processing of multiple A records in response

to PTR lookups.

o NDR's where changed to appear from MDaemon@<machine name> rather

than MDaemon@<domain of sender>.

o The order of the various Received and status headers was changed to

bring MDaemon more inline with examples in the various RFC's.

o Old dnsBL sites that are no longer functioning were removed from the

SpamBlck.dat file.

o The default protocol wait time was increased from 30 seconds to 60


o Several logging defaults were changed. MDaemon now zips old logs each

night, has no fixed log file size, and makes date based logs by default.

o Added the amount of time to complete request to the WorldClient log.



o fix to alias.dat file permissions getting lost with WA3 under IIS

o fix to log file directory created on wrong drive sometimes

o fix to disabled whitelist and advanced screens on tarpit in MD Standard

o fix to RBL score not showing up in inline SMTP Spam scoring

o fix to statistics log records possibly getting jumbled together

o fix to active/inactive AV server stat on the STATS window not accurate

o fix to looping errors caused by archive copies lacking a NULL return-path

o fix to WC message corruption when using the Plain Text mode of the HTML

composer and returning from the Spell Check or Add Attachment pages

o fix to FileList-xx.dat files referencing incorrect SpamAssassin .cf files

o fix to auto update check switch not preserved across updates

o fix to some SPF macros not expanding properly

o fix to Spam Trap folder name incorrect in German version

o fix to MDStats using wrong 2005413163102.htms for SA whitelist, blacklist rules

o fix to missing directories always being setup as default C:\MDaemon

o fix to list dlls not sending welcome packet when sub'ed via WebAdmin

o fix to ODBC list dll not checking if member was on list before adding

o fix to WorldClient HTML compose not remembering if the message was plain

text only or not

o fix to Accountprune recursive switch option("/s") not working

o fix to POP server not byte-stuffing TOP responses

o fix to IgnoreRcptErrors setting not working correctly

o fix to Accountprune to not delete messages in user's IMAP folder and

public folder unless the folder's Hiwater.mrk file has the following




o fix to public folder pruning not working

o fix to update message referencing ftp.altn.com rather than files.altn.com

o fix to cosmetic GUI problems

o fix to global auth password visible in plain text inside GUI

o fix to MD/GW problem where message would disappear when MD/WC-generated

contacts were used in creating the message in Outlook

o fix to errant ATRN dequeue session interlock

o fix to SPF records sometimes being decoded improperly

o fix to dequeue sessions not using the MXCache.dat file

o fix to WorldClient LookOut themes's handling of attachments to allow

Windows XP SP2's popup blocking issues.

o fix to Accountprune recursive("/s") not working if "SkipAutoPrune=Yes"

was set for the parent folder

o fix to 5xx errors not routing back when spooling all mail to ISP

o fix to Sender: header not included in list messages at all times

o fix to event log not honoring on/off switch

o fix to possible thread dead-locks

o fix to ghost starting up with false warning about logs sometimes

o fix to gateway GUI sometimes creating blank gateways.dat entries

o fix to MD not logging anything when too many sessions encountered

o fix to system address always able to send to mailing lists

o fix to WC exception parsing certain non-RFC 2046 compliant messages

o fix to cosmetic typo errors

o fix to AccountPrune not deleting other message types, except ".msg"

o fix to problems in cleanup.bat file

o fix to GUI problems re WebAdmin when it is running under IIS

o fix to potential WC crash if a request for a session is received while

the session is being expired

o fix to ACL entries not being updated when domain names change

o fix to IMAP SEARCH command not supporting nested search parameters

o fix to possible crashing problem with using ODBC back end and SQL Server

o fix to SMTP server refusing certain addresses

o fix to MTA thread not strictly checking for .msg files only

o fix to CF not applied to all list mail correctly at times

o fix to WC/WebAdmin not being able to send window messages to MDaemon

from IIS when using the ODBC backend

o fix to Tarpit not honoring White List in all cases

o fix to CTL having Subject parm; data not available and serves no purpose

o fix to errant value reported with SA_MAX_SMTP_MSG_SIZE in SA header

o fix to CF 'send to' rule not working with mailing lists

o fix to ComAgent lockups when incoming messages arrive at the same time

o fix to Accountprune "/s", recursive switch, for "/m" option

o fix to Tarpit white list not honoring CIDR notation

o fix to SMTP server not honoring RBL 'Received' header max check count

o fix to ODBC selector wizard using 255 byte limit to SQL statements

o fix to outbound smtp byte stuffing bug causing Winsock errors

o fix to cached files sometimes being truncated to 255 chars/line

o fix to SA not writing to screen/logs on default installs

o fix to CF editor not writing out 'add to Windows event log' rule correctly

o fix to read confirmations being send by the server (should be client)

o fix to MD activation being attempted with non-MD key

o fix to list digests not handling multipart/alternative messages well

o fix to errant logging with long paths when process could not be started

o fix to routing problems associated with the use of an MDaemon system alias

o fix to md3conv possibly not working with long file names

o fix to IMAP server sending BAD response to an authentication failure

o fix to WC truncating links for URLs with two commas in them

o fix to list members not written to disk if certain wildcards in use

o fix to possible lockup during the activation process

o fix to localized MD3Conv not being included in installer.

o fix to DNS lookup code not handling multiple TXT records properly

o fix to spamfilter processing honoring the incorrect max size exception

o fix to DomainPOP not being enabled when shutdown by trial expiration

o fix to bug causing fresh installs to get fixed log file size

o fix to site policy enabled by default

o fix to backup files not created if backup dir missing

o fix to AV settings to being lost when changing any content filter settings

o fix to MDaemon mail dir created in wrong place on some new installs

o fix to WC checking Tarpit.dat even when Tarpit IP Screening is off


A>MDaemon Server 8.0正式版下载地址:


本站下载: MDaemon Server 8.0 正式版


B.WebAdmin 3.10下载地址http://files.altn.com/WebAdmin/Release/

本站下载:WebAdmin 3.10 正式版


三。有关MDaemon Server 8.0的使用,欢迎到本站MDaemon Server 论坛

http://www.5dmail.net/bbs/Board/Board.asp?BoardID=34 参与讨论。


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